Scheduled Adult Control Operations

Adult Control Applications are highly dependent on weather conditions.


Depending on the product in use, temperatures generally must be at least 50 degrees with wind speeds less than 10 mph.


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If you are a resident in a city/township, or subdivision, please contact your officials to schedule adult mosquito spraying. These applications occur on a contract basis only.

If you are part of a subdivision or city/township wishing to establish a contract with the county you must contact your representatives to do so.


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Cass County Vector Control District Board Meeting

Cass County Vector Control Board Agenda 


1. RFP and Contracts

A. Aerial RFP and Contracts Accept/Approve

B. CCVC Contracts Accept/Approve


2.Review of surveillance operations - approve of digital timers and new pilot program to augment days of the week trapping schedule



3. Nuisance threshold – review and confirm current threshold


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