Call to Order:
Roll Call:
Approval of Agenda:
Motion to approve the agenda (with revisions, if any)
Action Items:
Motion to approve the Business Manager Transition Plan
Motion to join the North Dakota Public Health Insurance Trust (NDPHIT)
Motion to declare April 1st a Mental Health Day for students and staff
Motion to approve Shared Positions Settlement with Maple Valley
Motion to revisit and discuss previously approved Maple River Co-op Agreement (TENTATIVE)
Motion to release Superintendent from Contract
Discussion Items:
Mask Mandate
Interim Superintendent
Business Manager and Superintendent Search and Timeline
Negotiations Executive Session:
Motion to enter Executive Session pursuant to NDCC Section 44-04-19.2 to discuss Negotiations
NDCC 44-04-19.1.9 (A governing body may hold an executive session under section 44-04-19.2 to discuss negotiating strategy or provide negotiating instructions to its attorney or other negotiator regarding a pending claim, litigation, adversarial administrative proceedings, or contracts, which are currently being negotiated or for which negotiation is reasonably likely to occur in the immediate future. An executive session may be held under this subsection only when an open meeting would have an adverse fiscal effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public entity. A record revealing negotiation strategy or instruction under this section is exempt. Drafts of contracts or agreements subject to negotiations are exempt but only for so long as release would have an adverse fiscal effect on the public entity, unless the records are otherwise exempt or confidential.)
Adjourn Meeting:
Motion to adjourn the meeting(s)